Introduction of a new rolling machine, THI-12R
Introduced in Feb. ’21 issue of “Best Partner”
Rolling machine, SR-15, overhauled
We overhauled the flat die rolling machine, SR-15, manufactured by KYOEI Co., Ltd.
Capability and Quality of 5 to 6 millimeter screws are going to be improved.
Introduced in Nov. 17th issue of Fastening Journal & Network
Our challenges to implement and developments of IoT in our factory were introduced in Nov. 17th issue of Fastening Journal & Network. IoT data obtained from machines were analyzed to improve the efficiencies of our productions.
Introduced in Sept.14th issue of Kinzoku Sangyo Shimbun
Our challenge to implement IoT in our factory was introduced in Sept. 14 issue of Kinzoku Sangyo Shimbun. We obtain machine status and processed quantity from each machines and visualize production status of entire factory