Introduced our overseas expansion in Diamond Online (Magazine)
Our challenge for our overseas expansion and the future plans were introduced in Aug. 26 issue of Diamond Online magazine.
Click here for the article ( in Japanese only)
| 2020/8/26Media
Introduced in June 2020 issue of Kanagawa Keizai Shimbun
In the June 2020 issue of the Kanagawa Economic Newspaper, Our effort was introduced in an article titled “How we survive under Covit-19?”

| 2020/6/16Media
Second years as an official sponsor of SC Sagamihara, Soccer J3 league
We continue sponsoring SC Sagamihara, Soccer J3 league

Our donation will be used for local kids to watch Pro-Soccer games.

| 2020/3/26
Rebuilt PF630, 2D3B Header
| 2020/3/4Facilities
Mizuki was introduced in Feb. 20, ’20 Issue of The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun
Mizuki was introduced in Feb. 20, ’20 Issue of The Nikkan Kogyo Shimbun. The article introduces our challenge for IoT.

Click here for the article (in Japanese Only)

Click here for the article (in Japanese Only)
| 2020/2/20Media