We introduce the Premium Friday Campaign!
We introduce the Premium Friday Campaign, which Japanese government have been promoting. It encourages to end business hour at 3 pm every Month-end Friday.
Of-course, we will correspond all your emergency needs as usual.
| 2017/2/23Others
President Mr. Mizuki spoke in a seminar for Economic Partnership Agreement
President Mr. Taichi Mizuki made a speech about chances for the company growth by offers from foreign companies in Economic Partnership Agreement Seminar hostd by JETRO and local city governments.


| 2017/2/22Others
Announcing of the special page for our new factory project.
The special pages for our new factory project has been renewed in our website.
| 2017/1/24Others
The construction plan for our new factory were certified by Kanagawa Pref. and Ayase City.
The construction plan for Our new factory were certified by Kanagawa Pref. and Ayase City.
Certified by Ayase City on Nov. 28
Certified by Kanagawa Pref. government on Nov. 26
Certified by Ayase City on Nov. 28
Certified by Kanagawa Pref. government on Nov. 26
| 2016/10/28Others
We introduced our business expansion of Thailand at the KATO WORKS(THAILAND)CO., LTD.
We introduced our business expansion of Thailand at the KATO WORKS (THAILAND) CO., LTD. to the members of Japan Machine Tool Builders’ Association visiting Thailand during a business trip.
| 2016/10/19Others