Episode 7: Completion of the new factory. The day we decided our mind.

A new factory was finally completed on the land which was a vacant site just 10 months ago. On the wall and at the gate, MIZUKI ‘s symbol marks are set up, and the entrance was colored blue, MIZUKI symbol color. We are planning to translocate the machines in order from the headquarters factor to the Yamanashi Factory in operation until now. Then, we will be in full operation in December.
We are filled with all my heartfelt gratitude to Kanagawa Prefecture’s leading specialists like Izumi Design Office, responsible for the design of the factory, Yatsu Construction, constructed a wonderful factory without any accidents, SSE, in charge of Equipment Relations, and Sakuma Densetsu, in charge of electrical affairs, and also to Sole Color design, designed for the signs and the interior. We think that we would like to give back these feelings by mastering the best usage of this new factory and keeping our impress works for our customers.
We start a new step with the execution of the completion ceremony,

On October 31, 2017, the construction ceremony was held with the participation of our staff and people who worked hard at building a new factory.
Rubbing sounds of the papers, prayer’s voice, and crapping sounds echoed in the new factory before machines installed
While the ceremony was ongoing, we felt the pleasure that the new factory was completed successfully, and the tension to work at a new place from now on.

At the beginning of the ceremony after the tape cutting, Mr. Mizuki, President, spoke as follows.
“Thanks to our customers who nurtured MIZUKI so far, and various professionals, there was no major accident and we were able to celebrate the completion ceremony of the new factory today. Thank you so much for your continued support.
By starting operations at the new factory, we integrate the factory functions that we have been separately operating until now, and we start integrated production system. From now on, we would like to achieve twice the productivity of conventional products. Moreover, with the introduction of the latest processing equipment and concentration of engineers, the system will finally be completed to respond quickly to various requests from domestic and overseas.
Today, I hold such a good ceremony, and it is time to relieve. However, those who helped in establishing this factory told me, “Do not satisfied with this factory, and you should aim at building second and third ones.” I really feel it is right. I pledged my mind that it is our mission to show our goals high, growing, and contributing to society and everyone continuously, without satisfying at this point. “
To the factory that keeps responding to the world’s advanced needs toward 100th year in business
On that day, all the staff gathered together from the headquarters factory and the Yamanashi factory. At the subsequent feasting, the bustling time continued. Meanwhile, Guests had a factory tour with introduction of Mr. Mizuki.
The land size is 4,400 square meters, and a total floor space of its two-story building is about 3,500 square meters.
On the first floor, there is a washing machine that plays the key role in manufacturing, and manufacturing machines are set up mainly there. There is also a cutting processing room and a manufacturing office, and a series of flow related to manufacturing will be completed on this floor. The garter crane, set up for the first time at MIZUKI, was also arranged on the first floor. Since the operations of the crane are required licenses, there are also a lot of staff who got their license with the introduction this time. It is expected that the operation will increase efficiency. p>
In the factory space on the second floor, the function of checking the products manufactured on the first floor will be concentrated. Among them, the measurement room is partitioned by doors to enables more precise measurement. p>
In the back office, there are a reception counter for visitors, two conference rooms, one reception room, and employee space such as office, cafeteria, locker room and so on. p>
We are deeply impressed when looking at the space completed in this way. It is the result that we carefully examined to arrange machines to cope with high-mix low-volume production, efficient flow lines of human beings and goods, securing safety, etc.
Materials and drawings are as tall as a heavy phone book, and construction and design professionals discussed thoroughly.
Now, everywhere is a shiny new space, but machines and office furniture are installed from now on, and as the staff goes and leaves, the factory start breathing little by little. Such a day is coming soon. p>
The new factory is also an illustration of MIZUKI’s concept “From Japan, a part supplier to the world”, and Mr. Mizuki told us that the will, Factory that continue to respond to the global needs even 20 years later, is put in. This year MIZUKI will be 78th year in business, and 20 years later will be on the verge of 100 years.
With this new factory completion ceremony, MIZUKI will finally stand a real start point. As a healthy 100 year-old enterprise that can be good at anywhere in the world, I would like to steadily advance my will made today, in order to be an enthusiasm for our customers. p>