Episode 3: Vows by professionals in the field site: Two platform supporting the new factory.

In the new factory site, construction cars are digging the land, and staking piles.
In this work, they dig 20 meter below the ground and stake piles to construct foundation of the building.
In March, this fundamental construction were taken place, and staking one and half piles per day with high speed.
So, 27 piles with 20 meter long were place into the ground in March only. They make a strong base for the building. It becomes platform of the new factory project. Thus, the most important process have started.
Along with making platform, designing and construction professionals gather periodical meetings. We report meetings for interior and exterior of the factory.
To be a Parts Manufacture with strong presence.
Ten local professionals always join the weekly meeting such as design office, constructor, and those in charge of equipment and electricals.
The meeting was taken place to start discussing about interior and exterior plans by gathering responsible offices for designing and constructing. They reconfirmed current conditions, and discuss their future plans. Mr. Mizuki is really busy by responding domestic and international inquires, research and development in his factory, and proceeding many tasks in parallel. We asked Mr. Mizuki why he holds so many meetings even though he is busy.

”It is the biggest decision I made in my life, and it is the challenge to build new factory.
It is not simply merge two factories in Kanagawa and Yamanashi Pref. The project is Mizuki to be a parts manufacture with strong existence by responding the varieties of customer needs. That is, it aims to step forward to be “World-Class Parts Manufacture.” To make it happen, we cannot just make a box called factory.
We need to consider traffic lines to move efficiently for people and goods. Also, we need to focus on soft side like how visitors feel about our company by cooperating designers and architectures.”
Dream have never come true just by our passion to be a World Class Parts Manufacture. So, he thinks that each meeting is a key components, and moves one step each.
Traffic line is a key
Three professionals joined the meeting this time, Mr. Mukoyama (Architect), Mr. Ito (Manager of the construction site), and Mr. Mizuki (President of Mizuki).
At first, Mr. Mukoyama discussed the traffic line for people. On the drawing, office area and cafeteria were separated by a hall way and walls. Those rooms are invisible each other. However, Mr. Mizuki starts to discuss visibility to feel the existences of those rooms.

Mr. Mizuki said “Is it possible to place larger window in the office wall? I would like to build an office space that faces or moves of staff members can be visible anywhere in the office.
Mr. Mukoyama responded “Why don’t we install fixed windows which does not open? If so, it does not affect too much for structures, time for completion, and costs.”
Soon, it brought a new idea after Mr. Mizuki’s suggestion.
When considering about daily maintenance and sanitation issues, no shoes policy takes place in cafeteria. Where is the best location for shoe storage boxes? Is it possible to move smoothly in lunch time? So many questions were discussed.
Mr. Mizuki said “Traffic of people is a key to perform well in business. If we make restriction for traffic, someday it will obsolete and cannot be efficient. So, not by making restrictions, but by trying some twists, I would like to efficient flows of people and goods. ”
In this meeting, we discussed according to domestic and international cases. Later on, we decided to visit some factories to see what the best is for Mizuki.
In the meeting, Mr. Mukoyama, architect, told us about new factory.
“I have joined many projects, but this is the first time to design the factory with consideration for what Mizuki’s want to be in the future. I enjoy the project. Since Mr. Mizuki show us his vision clearly, we can tackle to the clear issues with all the experiences and technologies we have.
As an architect, I proceed the project steadily by well-considering about regulations, and by cooperating Mr. Mizuki and all the people in the construction site.”
Primary duty is to complete the construction without any accidents
Mr. Ito, manager of the construction site, reported that the construction have mostly proceeded as schedule.
He proceeds the construction by always checking with weather conditions, clocks, and a schedule.

Mr. Ito said “According to the construction time schedule, we should continue to construct a little more, but Safety is most important. When weather conditions become worse, it is my important role to halt construction works.”
It was impressive that he said it is the most important skill for a manager to recover its delay.
He also said “I work for constructing the factory, which members of Mizuki are appreciated, without any accidents as a sole purpose.”
In his short words, we felt his professionalism for his works devoted. The words. “No accidents”, have so much empathy with us as members of Mizuki, who work with serious efforts for Safety.
In this meeting, we realized that all professionals for architecture and constructions are working for the new factory projects with their prides and passions.
Mr. Mizuki, president, concluded the meeting with the following comments.
I know it is not an easy task to include all my thoughts because there are many restrictions from its budges, schedule, and construction related regulations. However, the reason why I focus on factory design so much is because I really want to make the factory to be pleased by our customers, our staff members and their families. The new factory for Mizuki is going to be built next to Tomei Highway. I wish anybody found Mizuki whenever they went through in front of our factory. I also wish our staff felt positive emotion like producing good product today.
I believe that such passions and attitude will be fundamental to make a World Class Parts Maker.”
There are nothing but a construction office at the construction site. However, a strong foundation with 27 over-twenty-meter long piles is about to be completed.
Additionally, we need one more foundation for Mizuki to be a World Class Parts Maker. It is a sense of unity shared by Mr. Mizuki, his staff members, their families, and all other related.
The two foundations are consolidated through the new factory project step by step. We believe the new factory project will lead to our consolidated future.